Book Selections



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Seed Time and Harvast

The importance of ministry in the body of Christ cannot be overemphasized. There can be no real expansion of the kingdom of God on earth without each member understanding this concept. The expansion of the Kingdom, thus, cannot occur without significant financial input. God predetermined, that he would bless His people financially as they fulfill their part in His covenant of prosperity by experiencing the supernatural law of sowing and reaping. This general principle applies to all believers, but even more so to those called to the ministry of Giving in the body of Christ. These are the Christian businessmen and women. This book examines the laws of financialprosperity and encourages believers to support kingdom business in order that they may experience God's financial blessing. It will also bring enlightenment to Christian businesspeople, with regard to their purpose, obedience to their call, and the resultant blessings on their business enterprises.

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Prophecy and Prophets

"Prophecy and Prophets" is written largely as a response to the errors and misinterpretations, which have been besetting the prophetic movement, since the early 1980s. It gives guidelines for verifying the truth or otherwise of prophetic utterances and for discerning the true prophetic vessels from the false ones. Required for Prophecy and Ministry Courses.

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Ministry Gifts

The importance of ministry in the body of Christ cannot be overemphasized. There can be no real expansion of the kingdom of God on earth without each member understanding this concept. It is interesting to note that God has endowed every member of the church with unique abilities, talents and spiritual gifts to function in a unique way within the body. There may be three categories of saints in the body at any time. There are primary leaders, secondary leaders and the laity. God has predetermined the position of each member in the body. God has not called everyone into Christian leadership. This book has been written to examine the call, the preparation, and the commissioning of God's ministers. Required for Prophecy and Ministry Courses.

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"Prophétie et ProphètesProphétie et Prophètes" est écrit largement pour répondre aux erreurs et mauvaises interprétations qui avaient assiégées le mouvement prophétique depuis le début des années 1980. Il sert de guide pour établir la vérité concernant la prophétie et aussi pour différencier les vrais canaux prophétiques de mauvais.

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